
Got A Little Done

I was able to print out some items, despite this headache.

Lord, my head… These braids.  It hurts to think…

I ain’t nowhere near ready.  I wanna cry, but it’s making my head hurt.

Preptober Prompt: Minor Characters Move the Story

There are quite a few minor characters in the story that help move the story along.

They serve four purposes in the story:
  1. They share the gossip.
  2. They gossip is about them.
  3. They admonish someone about gossip.
  4. They get involve with the friends in some capacity of admonishment, reprimand, or restoration.

Oddly enough, the people who share the gossip aren’t named.  I did this on purpose because most of the time in real life, gossipers usually aren’t identified.  They’re usually called an anonymous source or just a source.

Why Did I Go Get Braids?

Why did I go get braids today?  Ole girl who did them was heavy-handed and pulling like her life depended on it.  I got a massive headache.

I may not get anything done today.

Ain’t Even Ready

Well, my Writer’s Notebook isn’t finished.  I’ve finished all the character notes.  I’ve finally finished the chapter notes.  I’m still working on the plotting items.  I’ve set up all my blogs for the endeavor.  I’ve completed my goals, my quotes, my scriptures, and my cover images.

My outline ain’t done.  That’s how I write… I need to get it done.

My writing space isn’t set up at the house, yet.

I still have one setting to write out.

I’m so stressed.  Never had this happen before.