
Day Eleven: Lost Over 1800 Words to the Ethos

Not a happy person today.  I lost over 1800 words that I wrote on Friday.  It’s looking like I didn’t save my work, but I know I did.  Ugh…
I wrote some during class.  This is going so slowly.  I’m about ready to give up.

Trying to hold on to the faith…
2 Chronicles 15:7
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know that plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

A Lead Project Manager from Globetronics

One of the other head Project Managers in her department said, “If it was up to me, I’d order what I order and they’re grown enough to know what to eat and what not to eat.  Let them work that out.”

Café Unique Again

Spent another day working on the first chapter of the book: Café Unique.  It didn’t help that I lost over 1800 words from what I wrote on Friday.

16000 words written

15000 words written

14000 words written


Day Eight: And Coffee Helps (Well the Smell of Coffee)

I went to a local coffee shop for immersion writing.  It felt good to be in a totally different atmosphere.  It was valuable research for what I’m writing today.
I actually wrote a lot today.  I feel like I’m back on track and I’m raring to go.

I’m still behind, though.

Café Unique

I wrote on the first chapter of the novel.  I focused on Café Unique.  I introduce it and tell you all about it.  I may need to add a couple more scenes where things take place in the café.  So far, there’s only two scenes that feature Café Unique.

Daily Goal Met

12000 words written


Day Seven: Sad Day, Bad Day

This is just so hard.  I can’t get any help from anyone regarding this situation.  I’m so tired of this weighing me down.  It’s just hard.
Writing is getting better and things are moving better than yesterday.  I finished up more Preptober items, which helped me feel better.  Hoping to write more tomorrow.
I’m thinking of doing immersion therapy.  Since the chapter I’m writing happens in a coffee shop, I may go to a coffee shop and write tomorrow.

Daily Goal Met

10000 words written

8000 words written


Day Six: Bad Day #2

Still feeling horrible because of yesterday’s news.  I’m so sure that had I not asked about this now, I wouldn’t have known until the end of the semester.
I was able to write a little something.  It helped take my mind off things.  NaNo is going so slowly right now.  I haven’t even worked on my novel, yet.
I’m over 6500 words behind for where I’m supposed to be for NaNo.  Perhaps, if I can write tomorrow and Friday, I can make up the 9530 words that I need to be where I’m supposed to be by Friday.

Daily Goal Not Met


Day Five: Tragic News Makes My Muse Crumble

The day started off good.  I was on a roll, then I got horrible news.  Two classes from one of my schools was taken away and NOBODY told me NOTHING!
My creative flow had been stopped.  I’m trying to process and deal with this foolishness, but it ain’t working.

EDIT: so, the reason I wasn’t told about this change at my school… “I got busy and forgot.”
Seriously… that’s the best you can come up with.  I’m so pissed right now.

Daily Goal Not Met

6000 words written

5000 words written


Day Four: A Little Better

I was able to write today.  I worked on the remaining Preptober items.  I wasn’t fired up to write on my novel, though.  I’m feeling so bad because I’m behind.  I don’t like starting like this.

Daily Goal Met

4000 words written

2000 words written

1000 words written


Preptober Goals Review

I got all but two of my goals completed.  I'll work on those two over the weekend.

I still ain't ready.

October (Preptober) Recap

Here’s my tally for the month…

Daily Average: 655 Words/Day
Weekly Average: 3,560/Week
Monthly Total: 17,844

Goals Met…
Total Goals: 16
# Completed: 14

My overall mood was good.  I had 4 bad days, mostly due to allergies.

Best Moment…
Plotting out my story using several different plotting methods and watching the story evolve, grow, and get better than the original.

Worst Moment…
Seeing how many holes there were in my novel.  Ugh!  Glad I decided to plot.

P.S.  Yes, I’ll get 50,000 Words this month… And a whole lot more.

P.S. P.S.  I still got a headache… It’s even worse.

End of Preptober

It’s the end of Preptober and I ain’t even ready.

It was fun this year.  I really hate that I’m not ready and on top of that… I’m nervous.  Perhaps, this nervousness will serve me well.  Whatever!  I ain’t ready!

I still got a headache.  Let me lay my tail down somewhere.

The Plot is Ready, but the Outline Ain’t

I got the plot all set up, finally.

Now, to the outline.

Yes, I still have a headache.  And it’s worse…

P.S.  I never got my Preptober Workbook.  I need to find ole girl’s contact info and email her.  This some bull!

Preptober Prompt: Feelings About Preptober

This is my first time doing Preptober.  I truly enjoyed it.  It caused me to think about things in my novel.

Plotting the novel out really expanded the depth and breadth of the story.  I wasn’t ready for that, but I’m glad I did it.

I needed to be more prepared for this endeavor, but the first time you do anything is always a learning experience.  I’ll be more prepared for the next time Preptober comes around.

I didn’t get all of the items for Preptober finished, but I want to do it again.  It was an excellent experience.

Preptober Prompt: It’s the End of Preptober

Well, it’s the end of Preptober.  In three short words…



Got A Little Done

I was able to print out some items, despite this headache.

Lord, my head… These braids.  It hurts to think…

I ain’t nowhere near ready.  I wanna cry, but it’s making my head hurt.

Preptober Prompt: Minor Characters Move the Story

There are quite a few minor characters in the story that help move the story along.

They serve four purposes in the story:
  1. They share the gossip.
  2. They gossip is about them.
  3. They admonish someone about gossip.
  4. They get involve with the friends in some capacity of admonishment, reprimand, or restoration.

Oddly enough, the people who share the gossip aren’t named.  I did this on purpose because most of the time in real life, gossipers usually aren’t identified.  They’re usually called an anonymous source or just a source.

Why Did I Go Get Braids?

Why did I go get braids today?  Ole girl who did them was heavy-handed and pulling like her life depended on it.  I got a massive headache.

I may not get anything done today.

Ain’t Even Ready

Well, my Writer’s Notebook isn’t finished.  I’ve finished all the character notes.  I’ve finally finished the chapter notes.  I’m still working on the plotting items.  I’ve set up all my blogs for the endeavor.  I’ve completed my goals, my quotes, my scriptures, and my cover images.

My outline ain’t done.  That’s how I write… I need to get it done.

My writing space isn’t set up at the house, yet.

I still have one setting to write out.

I’m so stressed.  Never had this happen before.


Save The Cat Beat Sheet Is Kicking My You Know What

Ugh… I’m not feeling this plotting stuff anymore.  I’m having to rework so much of the novel…  It’s getting longer and longer.  It has more than double from the original.

But… Alas, It does help improve the novel.

P.S.  Did I say that Save the Cat is whipping my… ^&*!?

Plotting Methods Used

I’ve used three plotting methods…

Simple Plot Outline…
Character, Status Quo, Motivation, Initiating Incident, Developments, Crisis, and Resolution

Three-Act Structure
Act One: Opening Scene, Setup, Inciting Incident, Call to Action
Act Two (Part I): The Choice, Rising Action/Mounting Problems. Mid Point/Reversal
Act Two (Part II): More Troubles, Disaster, Turning Point
Act Three: Plan/Resolve, Climax, Denouement

Save the Cat Writes a Novel
Opening Image/Theme Stated/Setup/Catalyst/Debate/Break Into Two/B Story/Fun & Games/Midpoint/Bad Guys Close In/All is Lost/dark Knight of the Soul/Break Into Three/Finale/Final Image

Save the Cat Beat Sheet it is…

Plotting Like a Mad Woman

I’ve been plotting the whole day.  I must have been crazy.  I’ve never used the plotting method before.  I’ve just done an outline and went with the basic story structure… Beginning, Middle, End.

I decided to be different this time.  Not sure which plotting method to use.  There are too many.  Since I’ve read Save the Cat Writes a Novel, I should use that method.  I don’t even know.

So much has changed from the inception of the original form of GOSSIP.  It’s so very different now.  I feel good, thought.

Preptober Prompt: Themes & Motifs in the Novel

The themes in the novel are interesting.  I had to do some thinking about them.

They are:
Good versus Evil
To Gossip versus to Not Gossip
Courage and Perseverance
The Push to Stop Sinning

Here’s some motifs in the novel:
Darkness versus Light
The Hazards of Gossip
The Power of Words
Self (inner struggles)

(Motif is an object or idea that repeats itself throughout a literary work.)

One More Time...

After talking to a focus group, I've decided to change my cover based on their input.
Here it is y'all...

P.S.  I'm not changing it again. :)


Last Week of Preptober

It’s the last week of Preptober… Oh my…  I ain’t even ready.

I did work on some Preptober items.  I did come research on my cover…  I may have to change it.

I ain’t gone be ready.  Yes, I used Ebonics.

Preptober Prompt: Emotions of the Novel

This one was hard for me.  For the most part, the novel is quite sad and melancholy.  There are moments of brightness, but overall, it’s miserable.  But, that’s the key… Gossip makes everyone miserable.

It’s TENSE for most of the story.  It’s also MISERABLE.  There’s quite a bit of RESENTFULNESS, HURT, ANGUISH, and DECEIT.

I would say…
It’s a tense miserable novel with a lot of hurt and resentment.

There is some relief and hopefulness towards the end.
But, misery and hurt are the key emotions in the whole IDLE TALK SERIES.

I guess “Emotions” by H-Town can be added to the soundtrack of the novel… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ymj35w2hsCQ

Preptober Prompt: What Worries Me About My World

I’m a little worried that I only planned out four specific places in the story, but there are several other places that I mention in the story and I’ve given no concrete thought to them.

There is Helen’s house, Mary’s house, Mary’s school, Angela’s, Tammy’s, and Karen’s job.  In my mind, they are only there, but the reader doesn’t need to “know” about these places in any detail.  I’m hoping that holds true for the whole story.


Preptober Work

Graded papers mostly today, but did a little work for Preptober.  It’s looking good, but I’m a little behind.

Quiet as it’s kept… A lot behind!  Uhh Oh… Okay… Get it together.  PLEASE!

Preptober Prompt: Sub-Plot Exploration

All of the sub-plots in the story have to do with GOSSIP.  Since this is the first book in the series (The Idle Talk Series), I discuss all the gossip that will be discussed in the subsequent books.

You’ll have to read the book to find out all the gossip. J
Also, there is a lot of talk about how gossip has affected each of the five friends in the story.  I did this on purpose to show that we’ve all had some experience with gossip, whether directly or indirectly.


Settings Again Today

I worked on the settings of the story again today.  It felt good to get most of it done.  I have one more left to do.

Also worked on the plot and some notebook items…
Looking real good.

Preptober Prompt: Friendship Timeline

This post was inspire by the previous post (https://dboonenanonovels.blogspot.com/2019/10/preptober-prompt-character-time-line-at.html).  I thought I would discuss the friendship timeline for the five ladies of the story.

Angela meets Karen at the church.
Then they meet Helen at church.
Then the three of them meet Mary at the coffee shop and invite her to the church.  She starts going to the church after visiting a few times.
Then, they add Tammy to the group.

Learn more about the characters in the story… https://dboonenanonovels.blogspot.com/2019/10/character-list.html

Preptober Prompt: Character Time Line (At Three Points in the Story)

Tammy Andrews, my main character has an interesting timeline in the story.  I had to do some work to figure out how she became friends with the four other ladies.  So, here’s that timeline.

Tammy meets Helen.  Then, Helen introduces Tammy to Angela and Karen.
But, there’s another timeline where Mary meets Tammy through the Bishop (the pastor of their church).  Then, Mary introduces her to Karen and Angela.  Which is interesting because the two of them have already met her.

I did this on purpose to make it seem like Tammy was supposed to be part of the group.  I enjoy doing this kind of stuff in my novels.

Learn more about the characters in the story… https://dboonenanonovels.blogspot.com/2019/10/character-list.html


Settings Today

I worked on settings again today.  I’m still not feeling the best because of allergy season.  What kind of weather came through here yesterday?  This some madness.  I had to take the full regimen today, pills, nasal spray, eye drops, ugh.

I’m pushing through it.  I hate Fall Allergies.

Preptober Prompt: Romance in the Novel

I don’t really do romance novels or romance in my novels.  Most of the time, it’s in passing or just enough to let you know that there’s some people in a relationship.  I’m anti-romance, so to speak, especially when it comes to it in novels and movies.  I don’t believe in “Happily Ever After.”

With that being said.  There are two relationships in the story.  One is between Easter Jimmy and Norfleet Page, III.  They’re engaged, but going through some things.  The other is Tammy and Nimo.  It’s a relatively fresh relationship.  There are no married couples in the story (as of yet).

Some of the gossip involves couples and relationships, but it ain’t in the least bit romantic.

Learn more about the characters in the story… https://dboonenanonovels.blogspot.com/2019/10/character-list.html


Character List

Here’s a revised character list…

Pastor Norfleet Page, III – The gossip is about him.

Easter Jimmy – She is Pastor Page’s fiancée.

Fiona Caskey – She’s the reason for the gossip.

Tammy Andrews (spiritual) – She’s the person the story revolves around.  (I coulda just said the protagonist.)

Angela Hines (alpha) – She’s one of the gossipers and a supporting character.

Helen Ware (comedienne) – She’s another one of the gossipers and a supporting character.

Mary Regal (mediator) – She’s another one of the gossipers and a supporting character.

Karen Valwood (quiet) – She’s another one of the gossipers and the antagonist.
(Side note… I’ve never had a true antagonist in a novel before.  Well, at least one that I gave the title antagonist to).

Evangelist Geronimo Broadneck, Jr. – He’s the character that helps our protagonist on her journey.

All images created on Canva.com

Character Notes Finally Done

I finally finished up my character notes.  Now, I’ve started on the settings.  Ready to get going.  I’m renewed today.  Maybe I just needed to rest.

Preptober Prompt: Things I Like in the Story

I really like the settings in the story.  I see the sights.  I can smell the scents.  I can hear the sounds.  I get excited being able to write about them and describe them.

I’m most excited about describing the café in the story.

I’m also excited about discussing the topic of Christians gossiping.  I am also going to give some other religions views on gossiping to add a little diversity to the story.  I’m looking forward to delving into the discussion of the topic.  I gotta make sure I’m not preachy, though, unless it’s the portion of the story where the preacher is preaching.
Oh, yeah.  I can’t be redundant, either.


Just A Bad Day!

Nothing today.  I got into it with a bee…  It landed on my neck (although at the time I didn’t know what it was).  I flicked it off.  It didn’t sting me, but scared the H#$% out of me.

I took some Benadryl, went to bed, and got nothing done.  I even had to cancel classes


P.S.  I managed to write a little on my synopsis, but not worth much.

Preptober Prompt: What I Love About My Main Character

Tammy, my protagonist is a lot like me.  For the most part, she’s me.  I, like Tammy didn’t grow up gossiping, but as an adult, I got caught up in it.  It happened so effortlessly, I didn’t realize I was a gossiper until it was too late.  It was crazy.

Similar to me, Tammy’s journey is the same.  She gets caught up in gossiping after she becomes a part of the Café girls.  She meets people who feed the gossip fiend in her and the addiction grows.  Before long, she is engulfed in a sin that she can’t get out of.

She realizes the error of her ways when some gossip she has shared does some damage to someone.


Preptober Pep Talk: Create Your Own Success

This was a rough week.  I gotta do better next week!

That didn't help much... Let's try this...

Yes ma'am.

Note to Self...

I didn't do much today.

I done missed a whole week of PREP!

Note to self...

Preptober Prompt: Best Smell in the Novel

The best smell in the novel is the coffee at Café Ultra.  I just hope I can do it justice when I describe it.  I’m excited about verbally creating the mix of coffee, tea, food, and people.  I may just have to go to a café to experience it while I write that scene.  That would be cool.

I just gotta find a coffee shop that matches Café Ultra’s ambience and scenery.


Read Today (No, I Didn’t Finish the Book)

I’m still reading.  Trying to finish the book, but might not.
I need to get back to prepping.  I purchased a Preptober Workbook.  I haven’t received it, yet.

I created my own from various sources, but I want the one I purchased.

Preptober Prompt: Best Sound in the Novel

The best sound in my novel is of course… the church service.

Those are my favorite scenes to write.  I love writing and describing the ambience of the service and everything that’s going on.  Once, someone told me that the scene was so real that she almost raised her hand and said “Hallelujah” while the choir was singing.  That’s what I want to happen.

Church sounds like heaven in my novel.


Preptober Prompt: Character at Three Points in the Story (Karen)

I decided to go ahead and look at Karen at three points in the story.

Karen is the antagonist of the story.  I’ve never really written an antagonist in my novels.  Most of my stories don’t require one.  But, for this story, as I’ve been prepping this month, the need for one has developed.

Karen doesn’t like Tammy from the beginning.  She feels that Tammy is a third wheel so to speak.  Because Tammy comes in with a positive attitude and wanting to do more than just sit around and talk, Karen resents her.  It’s kind of like… she just doesn’t like her and there’s no real valid reason.

Karen often challenges Tammy, simply because she doesn’t like her.  There are two occasions where the conflict is very serious and could cause severe problems.

In the end, Karen winds up being hateful and vindictive to all the ladies, especially Tammy.

Preptober Prompt: Character at Three Points in the Story

I want to look at Tammy at three points of the story.  At first, I thought about writing this about Karen because I need to work on creating a meaningful antagonist, but I really want to focus on Tammy.

Tammy is the protagonist of the story.  Tammy is a fun-loving person.  She moves to Collier City because of her job.  She begins to attend the church her cousin pastors.  She’s lonely and needs to meet some friends.  She ends up meeting Mary, Helen, Karen, and Angela, who have a friendship someone set up already, but because of her personality, she’s able to fit right in with the group.  The friendship starts out fun, but begins to deteriorate once the gossip goes towards gossiping more and more.

Tammy begins to realize she gossips too much when some gossip that was shared in the group gets back to her from an unlikely source at her church.  She doesn’t know the person who tells her the gossip, so she tries to figure out how it got around and how it got back to her.  This is a pivotal moment for her in the story.

Tammy changes at the end of the story, but she still experiences the pain of gossiping.

Still Reading (Trying to Get Back in the Mood)

I read again today.  I worked a little more on Preptober.  I printed out some items for the novel.  Pictures are so pretty in color.

Feeling much better as it relates to the shooting.

I’m getting back excited about the story.  Hoping to finish the Klaassen book by tomorrow.

Let’s Get It! Let’s GO!


Read Again (Still Reeling)

I read again today.  I wrote some things down to get me back in the mood to prep.  I even learned a little bit.

But... I'm still reeling from Saturday's shooting.

I got a student in one of my classes who's STUCK ON STUPID.

I gotta figure out a way to add the phrase "STUCK ON STUPID" to my novel. LOL!

Preptober Prompt: It’s the Halfway Point…

I’m behind with my prep.  I’m tired.  I don’t really want to prep.  I need a break.  I really need to get my act together.

See these posts for more info…


Preptober Prompt: Perfect November

If I could create the perfect November, I would be in a cabin on the outskirts of the woods, not too deep because I’m scary.  The cabin would be next to a lake.  There would be no distractions of any kind and I could write without any interruptions or hindrances.  The words would flow from me like the river outside my window.

I would be able to view nature from any angle of my writing area, which would be fitted with the best of the best technology around and my internet would ALWAYS work.  Meal time would be great because they were prepared by a phenomenal chef would knew how to cook the food I like, the way I like it.

No one would interrupt me.  Yaaaas!  There would be no worries of work because I’d be off for the whole month.

Lastly, there would be no illnesses from allergies, headaches, or anything else.

WELL… back to reality.  I'm going to find a cabin to write in one of these days.  (Got that on my bucket list.)

Great NaNo Prep Sites

Preparing for NaNoWriMo: Your Guide to Outlining Success
This site offers a number of resources for Preptober.

This site offers a number of resources for Preptober.

Preparing for NaNoWriMo: The Ultimate Preptober Guide
This site offers 15 steps to get ready for NaNoWriMo

This site offers an extensive collection of items for writers.

From 2018...

NaNoWriMo 2018 Novel Binder Printables
This site offers a 13-page PDF of printables to fill your novel binder.

Novel Planning Tools and Worksheets
This site offers resources for helping you plan your NaNoWriMo novel.

5 Tips for October Planning
This site offers ways you can increase your chances of hitting your NaNo goal.

NaNoWriMo Plotting Resources
This site offers novel plotting resources.