
Feeling Good

Feeling good about getting back to novel writing after my break.  Had to get back into the swing of things for school.  It’s been hard so far.  Ugh!  A while new schedule.

I think I’ve finally adjusted to the schedule, though.  Five classes are a beast and they’re at three different schools.

I’m so ready for the Writer’s Workshops to begin in my classes.

Been good prepping for NaNo.  I have a long way to go before I get there.

Preptober Prompt: Most Excited About

I’m most excited about the new writing year.  It’s a chance to start a new project with a different energy and enthusiasm and eagerness.  It’s also the best time of the year because the writing communities I’m a part of are buzzing with energy about writing.

I get to start a new project with the hope of completing it.  It’s like a time of renewal, regeneration, rejuvenation, and restoration.

Plus, it’s Autumn and the weather is getting cooler.  It’s a remarkable time.