
Day Eleven: Lost Over 1800 Words to the Ethos

Not a happy person today.  I lost over 1800 words that I wrote on Friday.  It’s looking like I didn’t save my work, but I know I did.  Ugh…
I wrote some during class.  This is going so slowly.  I’m about ready to give up.

Trying to hold on to the faith…
2 Chronicles 15:7
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know that plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

A Lead Project Manager from Globetronics

One of the other head Project Managers in her department said, “If it was up to me, I’d order what I order and they’re grown enough to know what to eat and what not to eat.  Let them work that out.”

Café Unique Again

Spent another day working on the first chapter of the book: Café Unique.  It didn’t help that I lost over 1800 words from what I wrote on Friday.

16000 words written

15000 words written

14000 words written


Day Eight: And Coffee Helps (Well the Smell of Coffee)

I went to a local coffee shop for immersion writing.  It felt good to be in a totally different atmosphere.  It was valuable research for what I’m writing today.
I actually wrote a lot today.  I feel like I’m back on track and I’m raring to go.

I’m still behind, though.

Café Unique

I wrote on the first chapter of the novel.  I focused on Café Unique.  I introduce it and tell you all about it.  I may need to add a couple more scenes where things take place in the café.  So far, there’s only two scenes that feature Café Unique.

Daily Goal Met

12000 words written


Day Seven: Sad Day, Bad Day

This is just so hard.  I can’t get any help from anyone regarding this situation.  I’m so tired of this weighing me down.  It’s just hard.
Writing is getting better and things are moving better than yesterday.  I finished up more Preptober items, which helped me feel better.  Hoping to write more tomorrow.
I’m thinking of doing immersion therapy.  Since the chapter I’m writing happens in a coffee shop, I may go to a coffee shop and write tomorrow.

Daily Goal Met

10000 words written

8000 words written


Day Six: Bad Day #2

Still feeling horrible because of yesterday’s news.  I’m so sure that had I not asked about this now, I wouldn’t have known until the end of the semester.
I was able to write a little something.  It helped take my mind off things.  NaNo is going so slowly right now.  I haven’t even worked on my novel, yet.
I’m over 6500 words behind for where I’m supposed to be for NaNo.  Perhaps, if I can write tomorrow and Friday, I can make up the 9530 words that I need to be where I’m supposed to be by Friday.

Daily Goal Not Met


Day Five: Tragic News Makes My Muse Crumble

The day started off good.  I was on a roll, then I got horrible news.  Two classes from one of my schools was taken away and NOBODY told me NOTHING!
My creative flow had been stopped.  I’m trying to process and deal with this foolishness, but it ain’t working.

EDIT: so, the reason I wasn’t told about this change at my school… “I got busy and forgot.”
Seriously… that’s the best you can come up with.  I’m so pissed right now.

Daily Goal Not Met

6000 words written

5000 words written


Day Four: A Little Better

I was able to write today.  I worked on the remaining Preptober items.  I wasn’t fired up to write on my novel, though.  I’m feeling so bad because I’m behind.  I don’t like starting like this.

Daily Goal Met

4000 words written

2000 words written

1000 words written