
Reflection & Inspiration...

Need a little Extra Help...

Keep going...

I'll finish strong...

Keep Working for It!

I'm doing!


NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 25

It's day 25.  I totally goofed off last week.  Took the Thanksgiving Break week thing seriously.  I'm over 50,000 words after writing today.  I made myself write today so that I could go ahead and "win" before time.  It feels anticlimactic, though.  My novel isn't even half way finished.  I have a long way to go to finish it.  I haven't even gotten to the first night of the revival.  I'm still introducing characters.

I have a few writing quotes that I'm using to encourage me.  Not sure how successful they are at encouraging me.

I gotta keep writing.  Ray Bradbury is my new writing hero.

Based on the quotes below... Yes, I'm ready for Christmas!

I write about the greatest theme ever:  God's Love!

Yes, I as born to be a writer!  I was BORN with the GIFT.

I edit well.  I need to find me an editor though.  Editing a 100+ page novel gets overwhelming at times.

So, I'm going to keep working on That Single Preacher in December.  I have yet to finish one of my NaNo Novels.  I'm finishing this one!

I need motivation...

Well... I need discipline.

Day 25

I finally did some work.

I made it to over 50,000 Words!

Day 25 Word Count